Saturday, October 06, 2007

I have become enchanted by high winds and monsoon rains in the middle of the night,
being so close to the oceans cliff that the roar of the sea feels like earthquaking.

But I dream heavily in these sorts of locations and cherish the flow of my days.

Started food crop seeds and looking to gather the students and teachers to have a permaculture
weeklong workshop on the land I am staying on. Maybe end of November. I am looking to gain skill in networking and organizing fundraisers and workshops. Starting work helping to write
grants to get this little school in hana, and our greater community connected with Michael Mead; story teller and drummer-which touches back to my work with Wilderness Awareness School.

As always, my first dedication remains staying in a clear/lucid mind- allowing intuition and instinct to guide my life and work.
Coming to face challenges in my definitions of "significant others", we are generally tought that defining relationships is essential and more and more I know and feel that this only limits the genuine relationship between two individuals. It is support in being free I (maybe we) need most from those we love. Anything else is a prison. Like here on halemano we have a simple reflection of this- when we keep Salvador the rooster on a leash and he becomes agressive. When confined by laws of human nature that were created in times of lesser evolution, we become tense in our bodies, we begin to lose trust-I hypothesize this is because we stopped trusting ourselves, own own intuition of what feels right.

Language is a tool, and yet with my current vocabualry it can seem an impediment.
So much work to do. I give thanks that I am here able to be of service to the world. Share my unconditional love,

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