Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sunrise at Halemano. Blessed be this life.

Friday, October 26, 2007

And back to center.

I marvel at the way spirit always asks for a commitment. Even in my allegiance to freedom and spontaneity, I find myself strangely and whole heartedly committed.

I am presently committed to:

Not speaking unless my finest words come to the surface
Releasing Judgement
Showing Compassion
Standing in my power, and in doing so empowering others to do the same
Cherishing quiet mind
Having quiet mind
promoting diversity and methods of permanent culture!
Being clear
Being financially compensated for my work
Being able to communicate the value of my work to others
Seeing thru Native Eyes
Communicating directly from emotion
radical, edge-pushing movements
Seeing the light in children and being able to push my own edge to guide them to theirs...

So these are subjects with which the world is testing how truely serious I am about living in an integrated way. Again and Again, It is confirmed that colonization (by this I mean teaching/learning with a goal of becoming part of a working structure, usually based in a hierarchy)is still raising our youth. I see children being taught what is right and wrong so that they are accepted by a society that we simultaneously acknowledge as dysfunctional.

I am so interested in learning how to mentor children in becoming masters of their senses! To use their own inner guidance and instinct and intuition to move through their lives with strong purpose and kind hearts.

So again I say, I am committed.
Let me be lead to those who live with deep presence and recognition. Let me be in the vicinity of those who recall what it is to be in union and draw our medicine from nature.

Love you all.

Monday, October 22, 2007

reawakened and focused my passion for working with children last night.
sometimes i feel so alone in my approach to mentoring,
but i am reassured that my intentions are in fact what is being called for by the children themselves. how they need someone to recognize that they are a being of the universe-sent here by their own conscious love and will to arrive.

Contemplated how parents/educators/caregivers with the finest education in psychology/theory, in an effort to give the child the "perfect experience" free of damaging imput, tend to be those who overstep the cosmic role of parenting. Not allowing the children to experience life as a human, falling, touching a sharp object, crawling to the edge of the table, not going out in the cold, not eating this or that, not climbing high in the trees...when we take away the experience we are detaching them from the deep knowlegde of the body, how to feel for themselves the limits or limitlessness of their bodies.

hawaiian mothers will say to their children "swim out as far as you can, the ocean is your mother." Instilling a trust in the universe that is often repressed in children today.

I too find myself 'worried' at times that the children will get hurt, or such, and in doing so plant little seeds of fear in them...but I commit to remembering! To remember to let the ideas of what we "should" do or accomplish together fade into the feeling or heart drawn intuition of what seems most fulfilling, engaging and real at the moment.

So often I experience grabbing, pulling, clinging and such from the the children I work with. It was put in a beautiful way to me last night- these kids are trying desperately to hold onto ones who hold that space of clarity, connection and realness.

Cooked indian food with mira, miro, eskala and sidesh. which instigated things like dancing, and drinking and getting real.

real like taking consideration when another is speaking, or sharing only our finest words or getting to the root of our consciousness- by confessing where it is we forget to remember.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Gayatri Mantra

Om Bhur Bhuvas Suvaha

Om tat savitur vareNayM
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

bhur bhuvas suvar Om.

Although I have committed to going to Bali in January, and thus devoted myself in a way to being present with what comes up for me while learning this mantra....

I invite you to do the same. You can google it and get recordings.

My interpretation is:

We contemplate the love of light, illuminating all sheaths of being.

I am that pulsing power, radiance and clarity. I embody divine grace and universal intelligence.

We pray that divine light illuminates all of the human mind.


Happy to say 3 of six garden beds have been tilled and amended! I have been sifting all our rocky soil and partially decomposed compost as I go, so it's been an elongated process. But the soil is fertile and the people are joyful to see the land looking so attended!

Trading seeds even, such pleasures!

Learned to cook arepas today-amazing corn patties de columbia. Learning so many little things. Sprouting and grains, making a musical instrument for the kids at school using pythagrean triangle, making mandalas that calculate string/tube length for instruments for acoustic portion of physics.

Soon I'll make time for art and yoga!

Love you all.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Well, as of today, I am working with the kids and I am so grateful for them, their sheer joy and all the subtle ways they let us know what they are really needing to flourish. I have too figure out how to incorporate paulo freires work here (Pedagogy of the Oppressed).

I'll be teaching physics 2 days a week at the Kula 'Ike community school in Hana. This is with kids ages 11-14 and then I have one block of time with the little ones to free form activities.

I see us arriving more fully in our study of the physical world through nature. I will be covering sound, light and warmth.

Volunteering at laulima farms too for garden-talk sessions. Hitch hiked back with a local named Kalalau, he showed me the fresh water spring where he gets his water, I helped him gather and we talked about incompetence of tourism and the realities of farming.

I value simplicity.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

I have become enchanted by high winds and monsoon rains in the middle of the night,
being so close to the oceans cliff that the roar of the sea feels like earthquaking.

But I dream heavily in these sorts of locations and cherish the flow of my days.

Started food crop seeds and looking to gather the students and teachers to have a permaculture
weeklong workshop on the land I am staying on. Maybe end of November. I am looking to gain skill in networking and organizing fundraisers and workshops. Starting work helping to write
grants to get this little school in hana, and our greater community connected with Michael Mead; story teller and drummer-which touches back to my work with Wilderness Awareness School.

As always, my first dedication remains staying in a clear/lucid mind- allowing intuition and instinct to guide my life and work.
Coming to face challenges in my definitions of "significant others", we are generally tought that defining relationships is essential and more and more I know and feel that this only limits the genuine relationship between two individuals. It is support in being free I (maybe we) need most from those we love. Anything else is a prison. Like here on halemano we have a simple reflection of this- when we keep Salvador the rooster on a leash and he becomes agressive. When confined by laws of human nature that were created in times of lesser evolution, we become tense in our bodies, we begin to lose trust-I hypothesize this is because we stopped trusting ourselves, own own intuition of what feels right.

Language is a tool, and yet with my current vocabualry it can seem an impediment.
So much work to do. I give thanks that I am here able to be of service to the world. Share my unconditional love,

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mamaki is a small tree/shrub. grows up to 15 feet and has tiny white fruit that resembles noni. For seed propagation we ripen them in sun-jars and mash with water-releasing the seed from the fruit material. We'll keep in part shade medium water and hold that in 2-3 weeks beautiful baby sprouts will have germinated.

Got seeds from laulima "many hands" farm up the street. As well as 'uala (sweet potato) clippings and kalo (taro) shoots. The first a food crop the later divere, but good to know the petiole helps stop bleeding.
Well. Here it is. I like short songs.

The song I sing now is the song of my soul,
it comes from my greatest stories untold.

And as you touched down on the core of my bones,
I've come to learm our bodies, my heart and this road.

So thank you beloved,
thank you beloved-

The rainbow you give well it takes me away.
So I'm diven within.
diven within.

May the song that you sing be the song of your soul.

May it come from the that heart of your heart of gold.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

There seems to much to write.

So i'll usee my finest words and condense my past few days on halemano.

A geko peed on my head, the locals say its good luck.
A centipede stuck poison into my pointer and ring fingers, the locals say its good medicine.
We were blessed to be joined for quite some time by a puao (sacred owl) on our drive here, I am told this is unusual and auspicious.

Escala. Columbian born matrial artist and buddhist monk. Told his story of the monastery.
High in the Andean range, 6 hours from the smallest town, he assisted in securing the site from foriegn and domestic threats. The catholic influenced government of Columbia didn't permit such a unorthodox practice and tried repeatedly to invade. Their barrier method-bees. And scouts placed as far as five miles away at corners and road crossings. The bees can smell fear/adenaline as they do flowers, from up to 2 miles away. When the monks hear the bees, they know a threat is approaching and gear up. They proceed to blow on the hives, apparently bees detest human breath. 800 monks total. No non-familial physical contact-ever. To retain chi/kundalini within the body. They practiced devotional chanting, mudras and physical stamina routines from 4am-8am. If completed one could eat. Shaman would periodically come to study/stay and pass knowlegde of plant spirit medicine as well as techniques for finding our own internal medicine. He learnd how to set bones, beginning by cutting the central portion of corn and chopping it into 10 parts, and reassembling it in a cloth bag with eyes closed. He spoke of seeds and plants having cosmic alignments. And how every portion of our health revolves around our stomach. Dont eat sugar and salt in one meal, it thickens the blood and creates poor circulation.

Such a Southern monastic rendition.

When I was harboring seeds beneath my tounge, awaiting their cosmic and personal encoding I connected and watched the ocean-sky dance. I watched the rain approach and one rainbow appeared the most magnificent I've ever seen. I dove through what looked like a rain-circle with my mind, and then another appeared. What a transmission. I know these Papaya seeds will fruit with vigor!

Friday, September 21, 2007

My Evergreen Class this year is entitled:

Family: Inspiration of significant others.

And in the spirit of continually pushing my own edges:
I hopped a plane to Maui and arrived in a place
where I knew no one and have been challenged with the
task of creating a new family. As quickly as possible.

As I am quickly reminded, traveling solo, that I can't and
don't want to forge this path alone. Despite my strong
push towards independence from you, my new found family
(bless your hearts), as soon as you are here.

So I dive in and am adopted, staying with Uliai in Makawao,
before we head to the land in Kipahulu. So far, so intense.
Uliai is a angelic woman with a creative fire that demands a
constantly mirrored energy level. I am confronted with every
moment in which I have neglected my creative power-all in
this moment. Which lead to an overflow of emotion and
sheer vulnerability. Both a must in my book.

I am again humbled and thankful to share space
with such a teacher.
Today, I come with loving thanks to the whole human family.
I give thanks that we have arrived here safely to share our gifts from the
creator with one another. For together we can share in greetings to all.

We send our deepest thanksgiving and greetings to Mother Earth,
who like our own mother continues to give for our well-being. She
is the ground from which all else is birthed and flourishes.

We send our thanks and greetings to the Waters of the Earth, who
quench our thirst, calm our senses and help us to keep clean. In body
and soul. We thrive in lands with waterfalls, clean rivers and vast oceans.
We send our thanks to the medicine in all waters.

And we send thanks to all those who live in the waters, that we sometimes
forget. To the algae, dolhpins, coral and fish who clense the waters we use.

We send greetings and thanksgiving to the low-growing plants. Food crops,
herbs, magical vines and wildflowers. For their medicine and beauty we send
our warmest greetings.

We send our thanksgiving and greetings to the Animal Nation. For they
teach us many lessons and look us directly in the eye, evoking a true sense
of kinship. We give thanks for all the wonderful variety, and spirit of these friends.

We send our thanks to the Trees. For the shelter, food and warmth they
provide. For the giving of their bodies for fire, and all that teaches.

We send greetings to the Bird Nation, who have not forgotten their
original instructions. They always appear in times of chaos and in times
communion, holding space for all the spectrum of human experience.
Thanks to the crows, hawks, eagles and morning doves. For their alarms
and their songs and their ability to be our eyes and ears in the forest.

We send love and greetings to the Four Winds, who calm our minds as they
blow through the trees. We thank them for the change they bring as they
crawl through air like unseen smoke.

We send our thanksgiving to the Thunder Nation. The intensity of life and
the cleansing they bring to our mother earth and to the hearts of all beings.

We send warmest greeatings to our oldest brother the Sun who never stops
shinning! Who is our dearest star.

We send our thanksgiving to Grandmother Moon who holds hands with all
women of the world. We give thanks for your guidance in the night and your
presence in our emotion.

We send our greetings and thanksgiving to Star Nation, who hold long
forgotten stories and are so willing to share. We give thanks for your
cosmic reminder that we are small and made of rainbows. =)

We send our thanksgiving to the spirit beings who dwell in the four
directions, promoting our right action and reminding us when we have gone
astray. We give thanks for your protection and love.

And here we have arrived in a special place...

So we send our highest praise and thanksgiving to the Spirit that moves
through all things. To the creator, in all her grandest and all her smallest
manifestations. To the ansestors, future generations and all those not mentioned, We send our thanks.

We are now One Body, One Heart, One Mind.